Supermoto of Teams race rules
Rider 1 - is a S1 class rider. Bike - 125cc 2 stroke to 450cc 4 stroke sport supermoto bike.
Rider 2 - is a Hobby or S2 class rider. Bike - 125cc 2 stroke to 450cc 4 stroke sport supermoto bike.
Rider 3 - is a SM-MX class rider. Bike - 125cc 2 stroke to 450cc 4 stroke sport supermoto bike with R21 and R19/R18 wheels
The "SuperMoto of Teams" is organised according to the following model:
1 X Free Practice Rider 1 15 minutes
1 X Free Practice Rider 2 15 minutes
1 X Free Practice Rider 3 15 minutes
1 X Time Practice Rider 1 15 minutes
1 X Time Practice Rider 2 15 minutes
1 X Time Practice Rider 3 15 minutes
1 X Qualifying Race Rider 1 12 laps
1 X Qualifying Race Rider 2 12 laps
1 X Qualifying Race Rider 3 12 laps
1 X B-Final (if necessary) 12 laps
1 X Race, (Riders 1 + 2) 12 laps
1 X Race, (Riders 2 + 3) 12 laps
1 X Race, (Riders 1 + 3) 12 laps
In each class, the riders will have one Free Practice session. Participation is optional. Mass starts are forbidden. The Free Practice session must be timed, with the results displayed on the monitors.
A briefing with the riders will be held at the closed park, before the start of first free practice. All riders are required to show up at he meeting at first call.
Each group of riders will have one Time Practice session. Time Practice will determine the Rider's starting position in the respective Qualifying Race.
In order to qualify for the "SuperMoto of Teams", teams must participate in the Qualifying Races and possibly the B-Final. The teams will qualify for the "SuperMoto of Teams" according to the following model:
Teams positioned 1 to 11 after qualifying races are qualified for the "SuperMoto of Teams". 12 to 21 will participate in the B-Final. As of 22 are eliminated.
B-Final (if necessary)
B-Final event will be 12 laps. A maximum of 10 teams / 30 riders may participate in the B-final. A minimum of 4 non-qualified Teams/12 riders is necessary to run the B-Final. If this number is not reached, the B-Final will not be run and the Teams in question will be classified according to their result in the Qualifying Races. In B-Final participate all three team riders. The best two results of each team will be taken into account. The winning Team of the B-Final will qualify for the "SuperMoto of Teams" (position 12). In case of a tie, the best result of the third rider will be taken into account. If a tie still exists, the best result of firstly rider 3, secondly rider 1 or thirdly rider 2 will be taken into account. 2 to 10 Teams are excluded from the competition.
Starting positions for the B-Final
Team 12: Positions 1, 11, 21
Team 13: Positions 2, 12, 22
Team 14: Positions 3, 13, 23
Team 15: Positions 4, 14, 24
Team 16: Positions 5, 15, 25
Team 17: Positions 6, 12, 26
Team 18: Positions 7, 17, 27
Team 19: Positions 8, 18, 28
Team 20: Positions 9, 19, 29
Team 21: Positions 10, 20, 30
Team Managers are free to decide on the allocation of the assigned starting positions within their team.
"SuperMoto of Teams" RACES
The "SuperMoto of Teams" will be run in three races:
- "SuperMoto of Teams", Race 1, Riders 1 and 2
- "SuperMoto of Teams", Race 2, Riders 2 and 3
- "SuperMoto of Teams", Race 3, Riders 1 and 3
SuperMoto of Nations Races will be a 12 laps of racing. Riders may not change Race.
STARTING ORDER OF "SuperMoto of Teams"
The results of the Qualifying Races (Teams placed 1 to 11) and the B-Final (Winner of the B-Final = Team placed 12th) will determine the qualified Teams starting grid position in the "SuperMoto of Teams": Starting positions:
Team 1: Positions 1, 13
Team 2: Positions 2, 14
Team 3: Positions 3, 15
Team 4: Positions 4, 16
Team 5: Positions 5, 17
Team 6: Positions 6, 18
Team 7: Positions 7, 19
Team 8: Positions 8, 20
Team 9: Positions 9, 21
Team 10: Positions 10, 22
Team 11: Positions 11, 23
Team 12: Positions 12, 24
Team Managers are free to decide on the allocation of the assigned starting positions within their team.
Start Procedure will be carried out with lights of flag.
The start procedure for the Races is the following: As of 10 minutes before the start the track S2s and riders may leave the waiting zone to take their positions on the starting grid (4 riders per row). Tyre warmers may be used on the starting grid. 3 minutes before the start the blow of whistle will announce one minute to Warm-Up laps: The Tyre warmers must be removed from bike riders start the engines and prepare for the 2 compulsory warm-up laps. On returning to the grid the riders must take their position in an orderly way with the front wheel of their motorcycle up to the line defining their starting grid position and keep their engines running. Once a rider has taken his allocated position on the starting grid, he cannot change it, return to the pit lane or receive assistance prior to the start. When all the riders have taken their starting position, the Clerk of the Course at the rear of the starting grid will raise the green flag. The start Clerk will raise a 15 sec board, than 5 sec a red light will be displayed for between 2 and 5 seconds. The red light will go out to start the race.
After ten laps starting with the leader of race 2 and 1 lap board will be showed for all riders.
The final team results of the "SuperMoto of Teams" are determined as follows:
The Team winning the "SuperMoto of Teams" is the one which has gained the smallest total number of points after having added the five best results of its riders;
In case of a tie the results will be established as follows:
The team whose riders have obtained the highest number of first places, second places, etc.
If requested by the Event Management, the winning Team of the "SuperMoto of Teams" will be expected to make a lap of honor, conditions and weather permitting.
The first three Teams of the "SuperMoto of Teams" and their team managers must take part in the official Prize-Giving Ceremony, which must be held immediately after the last race of the "SuperMoto of Teams".
The first three Teams of the "SuperMoto of Teams" and their team managers must take part in the press conference after the last race of the "SuperMoto of Teams".
"SuperMoto of Teams" TIME SCHEDULE
Technical control / Registration: 07:00 – 09:00
Riders meeting: 09:15
Free practice
Group S1: 09:30 – 09:45
Group S2: 09:50 – 10:05
Group SM-MX 10:10 – 10:25
SM Street 10:30 – 10:45
Timed practice:
Group S1: 10:55 – 11:10
Group S2: 11:15 – 11:30
Group SM-MX 11:35 – 11:50
SM Street: 11:55 – 12:10
Qualification Races
12 laps of racing
Qualification Race Group S1
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 12:30
Warm up laps: 12:37 (2 laps)
Start: 12:40
Qualification Race Group S2
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 13:10
Warm up laps: 13:17 (2 laps)
Start: 13:20
Qualification Race Group SM-MX
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 13:50
Warm up laps: 13:57 (2 laps)
Start: 14:00
SM Street 1. Race 14:30 – 14:45
B Final (if necessary)
12 laps of racing.
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 14:50
Warm up laps: 14:57 (2 laps)
Start: 15:00
SM Street 2. Race 15:30 – 15:45
"SuperMoto of Teams" / Races
12 laps of racing.
Race 1 / Rider S1 + Rider S2
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 15:50
Warm up laps: 15:57 (2 laps)
Start: 16:00
Race 2 / Rider S2 + Rider SM-MX
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 16:50
Warm up laps: 16:57 (2 laps)
Start: 17:00
Race 3 / Rider S1 + Rider SM-MX
Riders can take their positions on starting grid: 17:50
Warm up laps: 17:57 (2 laps)
Start: 18:00
18:25 Prize giving ceremony
Entry fee for the event is 100€ from team.
Street 30€